Bisou Noir

The Garage
  • Date: Sat 5th December 2020
  • Doors Open: 7:00 pm
  • Supported By: TBC
  • On Sale: Tickets Open
  • Price: £10
Sucker present:


Live at The Garage, London

Bisou Noir (Black Kiss) are an English Rock band formed when frontman Toby Spysznyk and Milo Burgess (lead guitar) met on set as film extras. Joined by Jake Tullett (bass) and Mikey Laws (drums) the quartet honed in their craft onstage with sell out shows across the country including Dingwalls Camden, Camden Assembly and Brixton Jamm. The band have featured on BBC Introducing several times.

Aiming to follow in the footsteps of many great alternative rock bands, Bisou Noir aspire to the likes of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes. Using catchy guitar riffs and soaring melodies at the forefront of their writing, Bisou Noir aim to bring back the days of organic, original rock music.

Ages 14+ (under 16s to be accompanied by an adult)


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