The Other Favourites The Garage London 2022


Live at The Garage, London
  • Date: Wed 28th September 2022
  • Doors Open: 7:00 pm
  • On Sale: Tickets Open
  • Price: £25.00

Tickets are now available for The Other Favourites at The Garage.

The Other Favourites, Reina del Cid + Mary Spender

This show has been moved from Subterrania and rescheduled from November 2021.

The Other Favorites are an indie folk duo based in Brooklyn, New York, that consists of Joshua Lee Turner and Carson McKee. They are perhaps best known for their performances on YouTube, which have garnered millions of views. After meeting at their 8th grade talent show, Turner and McKee began performing together in their former hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina. They self-released their first full-length album, “Novelty,” in 2011, followed by “Naysayer” in 2018, and “Live in London” in 2019. Their newest album, “Unamericana,” will be released on November 19th, 2021.

Meeting at the crossroads of adult alternative pop, alternative folk, Americana, and reflective folk-rock, Reina del Cid is the brainchild of singer/songwriter Rachelle Cordova. She and her band made their recording debut with blueprints, plans in 2012. Gradually fleshing out their sound but retaining an intimate, organic feel, their fourth album, 2019’s Morse Code, featured guests on lap steel, keyboards, and more.

Combining her sultry voice and electric guitar to create rock songs infused with blues and soul, Mary Spender’s songwriting showcases her virtuosic style of guitar playing as well as her wide vocal range, however, for a decade, up until 2016, Mary was performing intimate shows around the UK and Europe, before turning her attention to creating videos about her music online for a global audience. Four years later, Mary has amassed over 40 million hits on her YouTube channel with over 440k subscribers watching her weekly videos, predominantly targeted towards guitarists, singer/songwriters and music lovers. Mary shares her own experiences or interviews prominent artists (such as Santana or KT Tunstall) and has found an interactive community who are incredibly supportive of Mary’s independent artist status.

See the full events listings for The Garage here.



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