The Garage, London
  • Date: Fri 24th March 2023
  • Doors Open: 7:00 pm
  • On Sale: Tickets Open
  • Price: £12.00

Tickets are now available to see Pengshui at The Garage.

London based grime-rock trio will perofrm at the Garage on the 24th of March 2023, showcasing their blenf of punk, grime, metal, bass and beats!

Pengshui don’t care much for barriers. How else do you end up with their eviscerating self-titled debut album, a bulldozing ambush of riffs and aggressive raps that tears down the walls between grime and punk? “It’s this unhinged, loud sound that actually came about pretty organically,” grins the group’s bassist/producer Fatty.

Enter Shikari frontman Rou Reynolds is a fan, as is one luminary of the grime world whose endorsement sent Illaman’s phone haywire one evening last year. “It was fucking nuts,” he laughs. “JME tweeted our track with a bunch of fire emojis and all of a sudden my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing for the next 12 hours.”

Who can blame the Boy Better Know MC? Pengshui are no-nonsense hitmakers whose lean, mean approach to music is best surmised on their track No Time: “No time for none of that trash, no time for none of that waste, no time for none of that bullshit, no time for none of thosegames,” roars its chorus, between rapid verses laid over distorted synth and a punishing beat.



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